
A Historical View of the Taiwan People (III)

In the aftermath of the “228 Massacre,” the Chiang authority in Nanking promoted Chen Yi the Che-chiang Provincial Governor, while abolishing the Administrator General Office in Taiwan. And the "Taiwan Provincial Government" was established. In January 1947, the KMT government in China promulgated the "Constitution of the Republic of China," which had never had anything to do with Taiwan. By 1949, the situation of civil war inside China had become extremely precarious for the KMT side; and President Chiang Kai-shek was forced to step down in January 1949, while Vice President Li Tsung-jen took over the presidency. On August 5, 1949, the U.S. government published the “China White Paper,” pointing out KMT's corruption and incompetence. The U.S. considered the KMT as a regime “untrustworthy,” and was prepared to abandon it.

On October 1, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) founded the People’s Republic of China (PRC), thereby ending the KMT rule of China. After being defeated by the Chinese Communists, Chiang and his followers fled into Taiwan, and resumed the KMT regime in exile as the “Republic of China.” Actually, the “ROC” has become extinct since 1949, although this wasn’t justified until the UN Assembly passed Resolution 2758 to expel Chiang Kai-shek's representative in the UN and allow the seat of the Republic of China being represented by the People’s Republic of China (no relation to Taiwan). In March 1950, Chiang Kai-shek proclaimed himself the President of “ROC,” despite lacking the legitimacy of the KMT regime in Taiwan.

In June 1950, at the outbreak of the Korean War, U.S. President Truman immediately dispatched the 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Strait to "neutralize" the Strait, preventing any attack on Taiwan by Chinese forces. He declared that "the determination of the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by the United Nations.” In the San Francisco Peace Treaty (SFPT), which came into force on April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all right, claim and title to Formosa and the Pescadores (not granted to any other state). As international law specifies that military occupation does not transfer sovereignty and the SFPT ratifies with the U.S. as the principal occupying power, this doesn’t mean that the KMT regime exercised sovereignty over Taiwan.

To prevent the Taiwan population from raising doubts about the legitimacy of the authority and contending ideas about their national identities, the KMT regime promulgated Martial Law and proclaimed “Emergency Decree,” using communist rebellion as an excuse to justify its high-handed governance in Taiwan. These two resorts, together with some 160 other regulations, began the dark era known as the White Terror in Taiwan. During the following decades, tens of thousands of people were imprisoned or executed, or they just perished mysteriously, through the web-like secret agencies of KMT's security apparatus, the Taiwan Garrison Command. Under this Quasi-Leninist authoritarian establishment, a large number of weaker Taiwanese were ruled by a sizeable minority group of powerful outsiders from China through monopolizing political, military and economic power. The Martial Law policies lasted for 38 years until being dismantled in 1987, while “Emergency Decree” was enforced for 43 years until it was lifted in 1991.

Among thousands of unjust cases during the White Terror era, some are outstanding like Lei Chen’s “Free China” case and the “Kaohsiung Incident.” In September 1960, Lei Chen (founder and publisher of the Free China journal) was arrested for treason and sentenced to 10 years in prison due to the pro-democracy stance of his magazine, including the suggestion of establishing the “Chinese Democratic Republic of Taiwan.” The “Kaohsiung Incident” occurred in December 1979, in which the KMT authority imprisoned participants of an anti-KMT parade organized by the Formosa magazine; the crackdown is also known as the “Formosa Incident.” After the incident, anti-KMT social forces became more united, leading the acceleration of Taiwan’s moves towards localization and democratization. In September 1986, these forces culminated in the formation of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), which soon grew into a full-fledged native party.

On October 25, 1971, the UN Assembly passed Resolution 2758 to expel Chiang Kai-shek's representative, challenging the legitimacy of the KMT regime in Taiwan. In 1977, the Taiwan Presbyterian Church’s central committee passed the “Declaration of Human Rights,” advocating “the establishment of a new and independent country.” In 1978, the U.S. government decided to sever diplomatic relations with the “ROC,” leading the Taiwanese people to doubt and challenge the legality and legitimacy of the KMT power in Taiwan. The U.S. Congress then passed the “Taiwan Relations Act” (TRA) in 1979. Following the progress of Taiwan’s democracy movement, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) was established in 1986. On March 23, 1996, Taiwanese Lee Teng-hui was elected President by all nationals, signifying the exercise of sovereignty by the Taiwan population. Lee further openly defined Taiwan-China relations as a “special state-to-state relationship” in 1999. While DPP’s Chen Shui-bian resumed the native presidency twice in 2000 and 2004 respectively, Taiwan’s independent status was further ensured.

Taiwan has never been any part of China from the beginning, and it’s still the case right now. Due to dynamic characteristics in a changing world, there is no such thing as maintaining the status quo. Taiwan’s strengths lie in its historic connection with the Austronesians, strategic geographic position in the Asia-Pacific region, and tech-oriented role in the world. Unless Taiwan will surrender to China, what it shall do are abrogating KMT’s regime of colonization, establishing a sate of justice and making pursuit of a prosperous Taiwan, based on strategies for survival and freedom. And to ensure well development of Taiwan’s economy in the coming 50 years, currently it’s imperative to initiate a big plan for transforming Taiwan’s industries.


(實則陳儀升任浙江省政府主席,卻於國共內戰緊迫的1950年二月因投共被捕,送往台灣以「叛亂罪」處決)1947年十二月25日,《中華民國憲法》正式實施 (內容並未涉及台灣)1948年五月20日,蔣介石、李宗仁就任中華民國第一任正副總統;前此五月10日,則已實施《動員戡亂時期臨時條款》。1949年一月,蔣介石被迫下台,李宗仁繼任總統。八月5日,美國國務院發表《中國白皮書》,指出國民黨政權腐敗無能,認定其為「不可信任的政權」,準備棄置不顧。十月1日,中國共產黨宣佈「中華人民共和國」成立;中華民國總統李宗仁於十二月5日由香港亡命美國 「中華民國」遂此滅亡。

1949年一月5日就任第二任「台灣省政府主席」,並於五月20日逕自違法宣佈再度戒嚴 (國民黨直到1987年始予以解除,創下全世界最久、長達38年的戒嚴紀錄)1949年六月,《台灣省幣制改革方案》公佈,規定每五元新台幣折合美金一元,而每四萬元舊台幣只能兌換新台幣一元;許多台灣人民,畢生心血頓時化為烏有。而國民黨在中國一路潰敗,八月1日於台北草山 (今陽明山) 設置中國國民黨總裁辦公廳;四天之後,美國國務院發表《中國白皮書》。該年年底,蔣介石及其徒眾約一百一十萬人也輾轉流亡至台灣。1950年一月,美國杜魯門總統發表「不介入台海爭端」聲明。1950年三月1,蔣介石在台自行宣佈「復行視事」,並任命陳誠為「行政院長」。實則,總統缺位由副總統繼任,副總統離職當由行政院長接任,斷無前總統自行「復行視事」之理。蔣氏政權在台以「中華民國」之名另起爐灶,至多可視為冒用已遭併吞之名號而已 (與前中華民國無涉,且在台灣亦缺合法性);在冷戰氛圍下,多年以後聯合國始予以制止 (1971年第2758號決議案將蔣介石代表逐出聯合國)

年五月,實施已滿二年的《動員戡亂時期臨時條款》遭到延長 (直到1991年動員戡亂時期終止,總共施行43年之久);稍早則已公佈《懲治叛亂條例》修正全文13 (13條公佈於1949年六月21)。警備總司令部亦開始利用臨時條款,以箝制台灣人民思想、言論自由,禁止集會結社罷工等基本人權 (在動員戡亂時期,所謂憲法實際上已被架空)1950年六月韓戰爆發後,杜魯門宣佈「台灣海峽中立化」,同時宣稱「台灣未來地位的決定,必須等待太平洋地區安全之恢復,對日和平條約之簽訂,或者由聯合國予以考慮。」此即「台灣地位未定論」之由來。六月底,美國隨即派遣第七艦隊巡航台灣海峽,八月初又派遣第十三航空隊前來台灣。在美國軍事及經濟援助下,國民黨政權的危機始告解除。1951年九月8,《舊金山和約》簽訂,並於次年生效;和約中規定日本放棄台、澎一切權利 (唯並未讓予任何他國)


(尤其是犯了所謂「二條一」,必定槍斃)。白色恐怖時代始於1949年,迄1954年達到高峰;這段期間國民黨在台灣至少殺害了四、五千人 (所謂「外省人」約佔四成)。其後,研究台灣歷史、台灣社會、台灣文化等,皆成為禁忌。直到1987年蔣經國宣佈解除戒嚴,1990年李登輝宣佈終止動員戡亂時期,台灣才慢慢走出恐怖統治陰影 (政治受害者估計在十四萬人以上);及1991年《懲治叛亂條例》遭到廢除,1992年「刑法一百條」獲得修正,台灣白色恐怖始可謂真正結束 (六張犁、馬場町則成為白色恐怖死難者之紀念地)

年的「四六事件」,是台灣白色恐怖時代的開端。四月6日當天,因學生騎腳踏車雙載,導致一些台灣大學及台灣師範學院的學生被抓走。事件發生不久,國民黨就在五月20日開始戒嚴。當年尚有楊逵、鍾浩東、蔡孝乾等,各因不同他案而受害。到了1950年代,著名的白色恐怖案件如:呂赫若、鄭定國等人的「鹿窟基地案」;高一生、湯守仁等人的「高砂民族自治會案」;「孫立人案」; 以及雷震、傅正等人的《自由中國》案。其中「鹿窟事件」一案,計有35人被判處槍決,並株連四百餘位農民與礦工 (分別被判以不等的刑期),為白色恐怖初期最大的一起政治案件;尤以石碇鄉玉桂村因而被清掃滅村,自此從地圖上消失。而《自由中國》雜誌以「民主反共」立論,主張「軍隊國家化」、提出「反攻無望論」,並擬籌組反對黨;雷震等人終遭逮捕,唯《自由中國》在台灣反對運動史上有其不可磨滅的貢獻。


(而於1980年代末期遷回台灣)1960年代以降,島內白色恐怖鎮壓事件仍極頻繁 (二十年內較重大者亦有二十餘起)。其中最受人矚目的,當推1964年彭明敏等三人撰寫〈台灣人民自救運動宣言〉所導致的政治迫害事件,以及1979年黨外陣營黃信介等人在高雄集會所引發的「美麗島事件」。另如1974年「台大哲學系事件」,陳鼓應等多名教職員因馮滬祥「職業學生」及其邏輯學零分之爭而導致政治力介入校園,終而遭到解職。

年之後,國民黨的鎮壓迫害事件,則如「林宅血案」(1980)、「陳文成命案」(1981)、「江南案」(1984)、「鄭南榕自焚事件」(1989) 等。尤其鄭南榕於1987年首度打破台灣獨立主張的禁忌,次年並於其《自由時代》雜誌上刊登許世楷所撰《台灣共和國新憲法草案》,遂遭到國民黨拘捕而自焚殉國。「美麗島事件」,則是台灣民主發展的轉捩點;國民黨政權雖然佈下天羅地網,「未暴先鎮,鎮而後暴」,一舉摧毀黨外陣營組織,卻造就了日後本土政黨的興起,以及20年後國民黨政權的民主淪亡。





1.       Huang Fu-san: A Brief History of Taiwan

2.       台灣獨立建國聯盟:〈認識台灣〉

3.       Kiyoshi Ito / Walter Chen: Taiwan History /《台灣歷史》

4.       維基百科:〈白色恐怖 



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