

An Overview of the Taiwan Independence Movement 

While the KMT power governing Taiwan, there was another threat to it, i.e., the Taiwan independence movement. In 1948, Liao Bung-gei and Hsieh Shue-hong established the “Taiwan Re-liberation Alliance” in Hong Kong. Liao then sent a petition to the UN, appealing that Taiwan be put under trusteeship of the UN, and let the natives of Taiwan decide their reversion or independence in a referendum. In February 1956, the “Provisional Government of the Republic of Taiwan” was established in Tokyo, with Liao as the “Provisional President of Taiwan.” Actually, prior to the conclusion of World War II, the Taiwan independence movement was ironically supported by Mao Tse-tung in the 1930s. During an interview by Edgar Snow, Mao said: ”We will extend them our enthusiastic help in their struggle for independence. The same thing applies for Formosa.” This was quoted in The Red Star over China. The similar idea had also been expressed by Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek, respectively.

As the war ended in 1945, Chiang Kai-shek sent KMT troops to occupy Taiwan based on MacArthur’s order; 1n 1949, Chiang and his followers fled to Taiwan. When the Korean War broke out in 1950, U.S. President Truman dispatched the 7th Fleet into the Taiwan Strait to "neutralize" the Strait. He declared that "the determination of the future status of Formosa must await the restoration of security in the Pacific, a peace settlement with Japan, or consideration by the United Nations.” In the "San Francisco Peace Treaty" (SFPT), which came into force on April 28, 1952, Japan renounced all right, claim and title to Formosa and the Pescadores (not granted to any other state). As international law specifies that military occupation does not transfer sovereignty and the SFPT ratifies with the U.S. as the principal occupational authority, this doesn’t mean that the KMT regime exercised sovereignty over Taiwan. And according to UN’s resolutions the “Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples of 1960” and the “International Covenants on Human Rights,” Taiwan can only be possession of the people of Taiwan who were born and raised there.

In September 1964, National Taiwan University professor Peng Ming-min and his two students deemed it a grim reality that "One China and One Taiwan" exists in the international community. Upon printing the “Declaration of Taiwanese Self-Salvation Movement,” they were secretly arrested. Peng later spent more than 20 years in exile. In June 1967, Su Ming led the establishment of “Independent Taiwan Association,” advocating “Taiwanese Nationalism” based on mutual tie and mutual destiny. In January 1970, the “World United Formosans for Independence” (WUFI) was organized, aiming at establishing a republic of Taiwan that features freedom, democracy, equality, well-being, and justice. On August 16, 1977, the Taiwan Presbyterian Church’s central committee passed the “Declaration of Human Rights,” in which it advocated “self-determination for the Taiwanese people” and “the establishment of a new and independent country.”

On March 23, 1996, Taiwanese Lee Teng-hui was elected President with direct ballot by all nationals. It happened for the first time in Taiwan history, signifying the exercise of sovereignty by the Taiwan population. And it shows that Taiwan is virtually independent. In 1999, Lee further openly defined Taiwan-China relations as a “Special State-to-State Relationship” (also called the “Two States” theory). While DPP’s Chen Shui-bian resumed the native presidency in 2000, Taiwan’s independent status was further ensured although it inherited KMT’s surviving colonial system. In August 2002, Chen announced his theory that there was “One Country on Each Side” of the Taiwan Strait, complying with Lee’s state-to-state definition. The consciousness of being Taiwanese is surging to date. According to the latest polls, some 60% of Taiwan’s residents consider themselves to be Taiwanese, and if not under threat of force, even more percent of them would support Taiwan independence.

has never been any part of China from the beginning, and it’s still the case right now. Prior to being militarily occupied by the KMT in 1945, the Taiwan population had for a long time (near three centuries) ruled by outsiders, such as those from the Netherlands, Spain, Ching Empire, and Japan (China not included). In 1895, Ching Empire (China being part of it then) ceded Taiwan in perpetuity to Japan; in 1951, Japan renounced all rights to Taiwan in the "San Francisco Peace Treaty," but not granted to China. Ironically, Mao and Chiang had respectively proposed Taiwan independence when Taiwan was ruled by Japan. The KMT regime had colonized Taiwan for over 50 years upon slaughtering thousands of Taiwanese elite in 1947 and the following decades; and its colonial system in Taiwan has not yet been removed. The KMT has never been a legitimate authority over Taiwan people (even the “Constitution of ROC” promulgated in 1947 had mentioned nothing related to Taiwan), let alone the Communist China. Actually, the ROC has become extinct since 1949, although wasn’t justified then. Therefore, if there is any connection for Taiwan to China, it could only be the backward, ugly Han culture (just like for Korea, Vietnam, etc.); but Taiwanese are definitely not Chinese, tracing back to their ancestors of the Austronesians.

(雖然皆非台灣人政權):第一次為十七世紀之時,鄭氏王朝在台灣建立「東寧王國」,後歸降大清帝國;第二次為1895年清國割台時成立的「台灣民主國」,唯主其事者旋即相偕落跑。1722年,清國雍正皇帝下詔曰:「台灣自古不屬中國。我皇考神武遠屆,拓入版圖…。」其後,清國將台灣割讓給日本。到了二十世紀,1928年台灣人曾提出台灣民族主義,並主張建立台灣共和國。中國人孫文則主張讓台灣與高麗兩民族實施自治 (1914),應各自設立國會及自治政府;蔣介石亦表示,國民黨支持台灣民族獨立 (1926)。而在共產黨方面,毛澤東、周恩來皆曾表示支持台灣獨立。依據《紅星照中國》(The Red Star over China) 一書所載,1936年毛澤東在延安曾對作者史諾 (Edgar Snow) 表示:中國共產黨支援朝鮮獨立,「同樣的立場適用於台灣」。

1946年,黃紀男等人成立「台灣青年同盟」,並向美國請願公投台獨;謝雪紅則於香港創立「台灣民主自治同盟」。1948年,廖文毅與謝雪紅在香港成立「台灣再解放聯盟」,向聯合國請願託管台灣,由全民投票決定台灣前途,並對全世界宣示台灣獨立的願望;1950年年二月,廖文毅前往日本,並在京都結合一些台灣人組織,合組「台灣民主獨立黨」,主張台灣獨立建國,成為瑞士一般的永久中立國。1950年六月韓戰爆發,杜魯門宣稱台灣地位未定。1951年九月8,《舊金山和約》簽訂,並於次年生效。和約中僅規定:「日本放棄對台灣與澎湖的一切權利、權源及請求權。」故此,台灣雖在國民黨流亡政權軍事佔領之下,唯台灣主權仍屬台灣全體人民 (1895年清國於《馬關條約》中已完成割台,此後台灣領土主權再與清國無涉遑論中國)

年,「台灣共和國臨時政府」在東京成立,廖文毅任大統領;其東南亞巡迴大使陳志雄 (原為印尼解放運動鬥士),於1959年遭國民黨特務綁架回台,成為第一位因台獨而受死的勇士。19602月,王育德等台灣留學生在東京成立「台灣青年社」,同時創辦《台灣青年》雜誌,為早期海外台獨運動進行思想啟蒙,並奠下理論基礎。1964年九月20,彭明敏、謝聰敏、魏廷朝師生三人因印製〈台灣人民自救運動宣言〉而被捕;宣言中強調「一中一台」事實,揭發蔣介石「反攻大陸」騙局,要求制定新憲法,重新加入聯合國,並認為蔣政權不能代表台灣,呼籲摧毀蔣暴政,建設自由國土。

年,史明結合其他團體在日本東京成立「台灣獨立聯合會」;旋即解散,並於六月30日再創「獨立台灣會」。獨台會宗旨為台灣民族主義,強調「台灣人出頭天作主人」,要求「打倒中華民國政權,消滅外來殖民體制」(1993年總部由東京遷回台灣)1970年一月,四個海外獨立運動團體 (日本台灣青年獨立聯盟、加拿大台灣人權委員會、美國全美台灣獨立聯盟及歐洲台灣獨立聯盟),與島內台灣自由聯盟共同組成世界性的「台灣獨立聯盟」 (並於1987年改名為「台灣獨立建國聯盟」─簡稱「台獨聯盟」或WUFI)。「台灣獨立建國聯盟」總部設於美國 (1990年遷回台灣),以建立自由、民主、平等、福祉、公義之台灣共和國為宗旨。1970年四月24,台獨聯盟成員黃文雄在紐約行刺當時訪美的蔣經國未遂,與鄭自才一起被捕;1976年十月,另一盟員王幸男則以郵包炸傷時任「台灣省主席」的謝東閔。

年十月,聯合國第2758號決議案逐出蔣介石代表 (「中華民國」席位被中華人民共和國所取代);此一決議案並未涉及台灣,自無改變台灣地位可言。1977年,台灣基督長老教會發表〈人權宣言〉,明確主張「台灣的將來應由台灣一千七百萬住民決定」,以及「使台灣成為一個新而獨立的國家」。1978年十二月15日,台美斷交;翌年,美國制定《台灣關係法》。該法指出,任何企圖以非和平方式來決定台灣的前途之舉,將被視為對西太平洋地區和平及安定的威脅,而為美國所嚴重關切;美國提供防禦性武器給台灣;美國維持其能力,以抵抗任何訴諸武力或使用其他方式高壓手段,而危及台灣人民安全及社會經濟制度的行動。1986年九月,「民主進步黨」成立;其後,民進黨於1991年全國代表大會通過「台獨黨綱」,其基本綱領載明「建立主權獨立自主的台灣共和國及制定新憲法的主張,應交由台灣全體住民以公民投票方式選擇決定」。


1945年國民黨軍事佔領台灣以前,台灣人幾近三百年長期遭受外來政權統治,如荷蘭、西班牙、大清帝國、日本等 (但不包括中國)。清國於1895年將台灣永久割讓給日本 (其時中國亦遭清國統治),日本則於1951年所簽訂的《舊金山和約》中放棄台灣一切權利 (但並未交付予中國)。而在日本統治台灣之時,毛、蔣皆曾仗義直言台灣應該獨立。國民黨政權殺戮台灣無數菁英之後,在台實施殖民統治超過五十年,其殖民體制卻迄未移除。國民黨統治台灣從無正當性 (即若1947年實施的《中華民國憲法》亦與台灣完全無關) 遑論共產中國。實則,中華民國已於1949年被消滅,當時台灣仍屬日本領土。故此,若說台灣與中國有何關聯,大概只有落後、惡質的漢文化而已 (一如韓國、越南等情況);唯台灣人絕非中國人,此可溯源自台灣人的南島民族祖先。


1.      Huang Fu-san: A Brief History of Taiwan 

2.      台灣獨立建國聯盟:〈認識台灣〉

3.      TAUP, et al: “History of Sino-Taiwanese Relations” 

4.      Kiyoshi Ito / Walter Chen: Taiwan History /《台灣歷史》<> 

5.      維基百科:〈台灣獨立運動〉

6.      Ng Yuzin Chiautong: “Historical and Legal Aspects of the International Status of Taiwan(Formosa)” 

7.      林泉忠等:〈香港、台灣、澳門、沖繩民眾文化與國家認同國際比較調查2006<> 

8.      自由時報:〈海基會民調五成八民眾自認台灣人〉12/14/2006


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