

A Historical View of the Taiwan People (Ia)

It’s believed that the ancient Taiwan people originated in Africa, then moved from Eurasia to Taiwan along the Indo-China Peninsula and Vietnam. Today, there have been thousands archeological sites of Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures found island-wide, showing the close relationship between Taiwan’s ancient inhabitants and the Polynesian. This is further clarified by the fact that 9 out of 10 Proto-Austronesian languages are spread cross Taiwan. Therefore, some scholars have suggested that the Austronesians originated in Taiwan, from where they moved southward and dispersed.

During the Age of Exploration in the 16th and 17th centuries, European maritime powers established colonial rules on the island, helping it in passing to transform into the modern new world. In the middle of the 16th century, Portuguese sailors were impressed by its beauty and referred to the island as “Ilha Formosa,” and “Formosa” has since become the name commonly used in the West.

In 1624, the Dutch East India Company (VOC) based in Batavia took up a new post at Tai-oan (currently in Tainan), and thus began Dutch’s 38-year rule of Taiwan. Meanwhile, a Spanish expedition traveled to Keelung in 1626, and occupied the northern Taiwan until 1642 when it was forced to withdraw by the Dutch. Henceforth, Taiwan began a tradition of trade hub in Asia, together with commerce-oriented development with rice and sugar emerging as the enduring backbone of the island’s economy. Also the Dutch and Spanish had created Taiwan’s first colonial rule by foreign powers.


(所謂hunter-gatherer),自起源地非洲往外遷移,進入歐亞大陸 (Eurasia)。據推測,其中一批經過中東、阿爾泰草原,到達蒙古,繼續擴散到支那中原和其餘各處;另一批北入西伯利亞,繼續往東,進入當時還陸連著的美洲大陸,成為印地安人祖先。又有一批則折向東南方,部分由今日的印度和印支半島,經過東南亞沿海的越南,而在第四冰河期結束前已抵達台灣。

(約一至四萬年前),即開始有人類居住;如「長濱文化」遺跡及「左鎮人」原始人類骨骸,唯無法確知其所來自。而新石器時代 (始於西元前五千年) 以來的史前文化 (多達1600處的史前時代遺址),則確定是台灣南島民族的遺留。再由今日台灣原住民各族的口頭傳述,亦可獲知史前時代台灣島上即不乏更早期的先住民族 (如矮黑人、瑯嶠人等)


(Madagascar)、東迄南美洲復活節島 (Easter Island)、南至紐西蘭之廣袤區域。尤其南島語言擴散速度極快,伴隨著航海、農業、畜牧、瓷器等技術的散佈,在人類發展史上綻放了光彩的一頁。無怪乎人類學家Jared Diamond 譽為「台灣給予世界的禮物」(Taiwan’s Gift to the World)


1519年出發航行全球。在亞洲,葡萄牙水手於1544年,由北太平洋沿日本、琉球,而經過台灣附近海面,驚呼 ”Ilha Formosa!” (美麗之島)。此後,西方人便以 Formosa (福爾摩沙) 稱呼台灣雖則西班牙航海家稱為 Hermosa (艾爾摩沙)

年,荷蘭人於爪哇的巴達維亞 (今印尼雅加達) 成立荷蘭東印度公司 (VOC) 東亞貿易總部。1624年,荷蘭人遭大明帝國趕出澎湖,旋即轉而登陸台江 (Tai-oan; 今台南安平一帶),並先後建立熱蘭遮城 (Zeelandia; 安平古堡) 及普羅民遮城 (Provintia; 赤崁城) 作為根據地,開始其往後38年的在台殖民統治。1626年,駐呂宋的西班牙總督也派船繞過台灣東岸北上,先登陸三貂角 (Santiago),旋即進入雞籠 (今基隆),並建造薩爾瓦多城 (San Salvador)1629年又在滬尾 (今淡水) 建立聖多明哥城 (Santo Domingo)1642年,荷蘭人在雞籠擊敗西班牙人,結束西班牙人治台的短短16年。

(包括荷人創造新港文字),以及開發蔗糖、稻米生產技術,對往後三百多年的台灣社會發展影響至大。唯同時台灣移民迅速增加,也引起移民屢次起事反抗,並開啟台灣人漢化的濫觴。<span style="FONT-SIZE: 12pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: 新細明體; mso-hansi-font


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